Friday, October 14, 2011

Thinking outside the cardboard box

We are always looking for ways to be more green and provide our customers ways to save our resources.  Bungo Box contacted me recently about their growing company and product.   What follows is from Sarah Sekula their PR Director.  They currently have locations in the southeast US and parts of Canada. 

Florida entrepreneur Tom Cannon hopes cardboard will go the way of the dinosaur.

It’s a long shot, but a worthy goal. After all, only half of the cardboard Americans use actually gets recycled. The rest gets hauled off to the landfill. Cannon's 2 and 1/2-year-old company, BungoBox, hopes to change that statistic with his simple, yet innovative, concept. “We rent reusable plastic bins as an alternative to the traditional disposable cardboard box and packing tape,” Cannon, 39, says.

--When you reuse cardboard boxes, they can last for approximately four moves. The stronger, more durable plastic moving boxes that BungoBox rents can be reused up to 400 times. After that, they are recycled and made into new bins.

--Surprisingly, until now, there really hasn’t been a good alternative to using cardboard. We’ve been using the same environmentally unfriendly materials for the past several hundred years.

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