Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Moving Tips

Today's Helpful Topic: Delivery Day

The first step to a smooth delivery is making sure you arrive to your new home prior to the movers. We suggest again that if you are moving alone, that a friend or relative be with you during this time. Make travel arrangements that coincide with the prearranged delivery period provided by the moving company. This is important because the movers will place your household goods into storage, at your expense, if you are not able to accept delivery of your shipment.

It is your responsibility to know in advance of the delivery if there are any parking restrictions or permits that may be required for the tractor trailer at both origin and destination. Contacting the local police department should help in obtaining that information.

At the time of delivery, the driver should provide you with his copy of your inventory. The crew should let you know each inventory number as it is being brought in while you check them off. It is crucial at this time that you point out to the driver and make notations on the inventory of any obvious damage or any missing items.

When your delivery is completed, you will be required to sign the inventory. The settlement of a potential claim weighs heavily on this process and your notations. Any boxes that show any outward damage must be noted on the inventory at the time of delivery.

Having a plan outlining the placement of your furniture will help considerably during the unloading. The mover will not move furniture again once it has been placed in your home.

If you are taking delivery into a self storage unit, please note that the mover's liability ceases when the unloading is completed. Any damage or missing items MUST be noted on the drivers inventory at the time of unloading.

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