Tuesday, August 17, 2010

End of summer moves

Starting in May, the moving industry becomes the busiest of the year. All equipment and personnel are stretched to capacity. So by August, the crews and trucks have been going at full capacity for several months. Trucks need service, drivers and crews have been flat out, and it always seems that if a truck is going to breakdown, or personnel are not timely. it happens more frequently at the end of the summer rush.

So some might ask, should i move at the beginning of the summer? Well, June is traditionally the busiest of all the months, and typically all movers are at or above capacity at that time. Sooo... ?

The value of moving through Consumers Relocation at any time during the year is huge- both economically and service wise. During the summer months, moving through CRS, who will advocate for the moving family, will save both time and money. Particularly if obstacles are encountered, Having a knowledgeable expert working on behalf of the moving family with the van line will streamline problem solving and ensure an outcome commensurate with the moving family's expectations.

Consumers Relocation performs thousands of moves with a number of van lines each year. With this volume base, the communication channels are established and clear when it comes to problem solving. Be sure to have CRS on your side when you move!

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